Greek plants growing on my father's terrace. Look how I am enjoying them. For those of you who know me, you will of course realize that this is just a cheap excuse to show off my freshly ironed hair. Oh Greeks, you understand my hair so.
Day 3 in the fatherland and if I never hear Greek music again... my father's a big fan and likes to blast it through the house at all hours. He tried to do this when he was married to my mom and it caused bitter rows. If it wasn't Greek music it was German opera, equally painful. My mother would say "that woman sounds like she got knifed in the gut" while my father would openly lament the fact that he had married outside of his race.
Speaking of which, tomorrow I'm going to a wedding of people I don't know. But the chick is a famous fashion designer and lots of celebs will be there, my friend Thanos whose cousin is marrying this chick assures me that the guest list will be internationaly fabulous. Greek Vogue are doing a 6 page spread on the event and I will try to bend and snap my way into as many pictures as possible. Don't have an outfit blingy enough for the event so here comes Sophia my dad's girlfriend to the rescue. She's really nice and younger than him and so should have some good stuff though like all Greek women, it will border on the Vegas showgirl. Maybe there will be a Versase...
Went to the beach today. Fell asleep with my chin touching my chest so have weird red stripy burn mark on neck. Woke up to screetching and nasal cords otherwise known as The Greek Woman Speaking. Some lady with watermellon boobs yelling after her fat grandson. Made Janice from Friends sound like the BBC World Service.
More soon.
your fan,
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