Last night I watched American History X for the first time in years. I was surprised by how dated it was, how full of holes and stereotypes (my favorite being the "nice black guy" in the jail who says "aiet" after EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE.)
What can I say peoples? Like Mariah, it ain't ageing well.
Still, my appreciation of Ed Norten's acting (body) prevailed, as did my fondness for voice over narration, prison flashbacks and neo nazi anything. And lets talk about the big sharpie swaztika tattoo for a second. So obviously sharpie!! You know they probably hired an artist to sharpie it on his body. I would have sharpied it for free.
Once upon a Brooklyn evening I sat channel flipping and came across a marathon of American neo nazis documentaries on Bravo. It was a great moment to be alive knowing that the next few hours of my life were going to be utterly enthralling. Kind of like finding $20 when you're broke and jonesing. Anyone?
Sure, we've seen enough documentaries about the original Nazis, all grainy black and white - Hitler screaming into microphones blah blah blah but I want to know whats going on today in bold colour.
So I watch neo nazis like they're monkeys that have been taught to ride byclicles, always amazed by the normal human things they do, "dear Lord, they're eating peanut butter on wholewheat!" What if a black made the bread? Can they eat bagels?
Usually, inbetween the hate rants (Jews are the worstest) they tuck their blond babies to sleep and sing them little lullabies about White Power, aaaawww. I'm fascinated by the Nazi memorobilia that one can purchase online and have delivered to Arkansas. Flags, bedspreads, coasters, 3rd Reich underwear.

Remember when Louis Theraux went to go meet them? For those of you in the States, he's this spindly English reporter who looks like he should be in a cafe somewhere in the East Village in a black turtleneck reading poetry with cow bell aid. I'm a little in love with him and he looks Jewish but isn't. So he's out there visiting neos, going to marches and listening in on speaches looking like an extra from Seinfeld. Awesome.

Plus he met Lamb and Lynxe, the young Britney Spears twin version for the Nazi world. Amazing.
It must be hard on the neo nazi kids, growing up in such a restricted community, kind of like being Amish but with anger and junk.
your fan,
Still, my appreciation of Ed Norten's acting (body) prevailed, as did my fondness for voice over narration, prison flashbacks and neo nazi anything. And lets talk about the big sharpie swaztika tattoo for a second. So obviously sharpie!! You know they probably hired an artist to sharpie it on his body. I would have sharpied it for free.
Once upon a Brooklyn evening I sat channel flipping and came across a marathon of American neo nazis documentaries on Bravo. It was a great moment to be alive knowing that the next few hours of my life were going to be utterly enthralling. Kind of like finding $20 when you're broke and jonesing. Anyone?
Sure, we've seen enough documentaries about the original Nazis, all grainy black and white - Hitler screaming into microphones blah blah blah but I want to know whats going on today in bold colour.
So I watch neo nazis like they're monkeys that have been taught to ride byclicles, always amazed by the normal human things they do, "dear Lord, they're eating peanut butter on wholewheat!" What if a black made the bread? Can they eat bagels?
Usually, inbetween the hate rants (Jews are the worstest) they tuck their blond babies to sleep and sing them little lullabies about White Power, aaaawww. I'm fascinated by the Nazi memorobilia that one can purchase online and have delivered to Arkansas. Flags, bedspreads, coasters, 3rd Reich underwear.

Remember when Louis Theraux went to go meet them? For those of you in the States, he's this spindly English reporter who looks like he should be in a cafe somewhere in the East Village in a black turtleneck reading poetry with cow bell aid. I'm a little in love with him and he looks Jewish but isn't. So he's out there visiting neos, going to marches and listening in on speaches looking like an extra from Seinfeld. Awesome.

Plus he met Lamb and Lynxe, the young Britney Spears twin version for the Nazi world. Amazing.
It must be hard on the neo nazi kids, growing up in such a restricted community, kind of like being Amish but with anger and junk.
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