So I'm back from my month and a half in France and loads of things happened, and yes I met someone special blah blah blah...a lot more importantly is the fact that Jerry, her twin sister Terry (non identical) and I became quite the threesome around the rose bottle.
It all started one champagne filled night around the heated pool of a Riviera villa (doesn't it always?) when reclining on deck chairs we chatted about my writing, men, her divorce, her kids, her career. She's hosting Britain's Next Top Model and is delighted cuz its a 2 day a week gig that pays well and for her working permit.
"You never became a British citizen?" I asked her.
"No, Mic is a tax exile so I couldn't get the nationality" she pronounces is "exaaale" and I don't even blink at the mention of Mic, such is my comfort level with celebrity.
Our friendship progressed to lunch at the beach we frequent to poetry readings at her house. Now here's something you didn't know. Jerry Hall writes hilarious, intelligent beautiful and dark poetry. I know! And apparently Mic is a sex addict. I know!
I read her some excerpts of my book (the one I'm busy not writing) and she said all the right things and made all the right noises but failed to provide useful tips, such as Harper Collins CEO's cell number.
Spent about 4 hours at her house, smoking her American spirits, drinking coffee - reading, talking, talking, talking. She encourages me to move to Verona, she thinks my new boyfriend is "very nice and cute", she pronounces it "naaace". Swoon.
So after readings and chats and smokes and coffee, we went back to the beach and swam and read and hugged and kissed and said "see you next year" as I was leaving the next day.
I know what you're thinking, there was no phone exchange, no email..its deeper than that people. She can't wait to buy my book.. "hurry up and wraaate it!" she said, "I can't wait to buy it! Whats your last name? Pila what? I can't wait to buy it."
I'm officially motivated.
your fan,
Jerry Hall can read?
AND write. Poetry.
The cat.
On the mat.
Boom boom boom.
Boom boom boom boom boom.
And so forth.
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