Otherwise known as free running, most of you will now be aware of this urban pastime brought to us by The French (its how they get around Paris to buy bread and cheese). Madonna tried to ride that wave of street in yet another tragic attempt to be down with the kids (and warrant an excuse to sport a leotard and knee pads.)
My friend Clay told me about this spectacular parcur fail executed on a night out in Brooklyn. Clay witnessed the attempt, fueled by a sense of alcohol and coke drenched super-power, of this guy jumping from the top of a building onto the hood of a parked car in the street below. He promptly broke his leg upon impact and was carted off in an ambulance in a fit of roaring pain and shame just as soon as everyone stopped laughing long enough to summon the medics. "We just couldn't get over the fact he had yelled the word "parcour!" on his way down" said Clay.
I've invented a lower impact, safer form of parcour which involves jumping over say, a fallen paperclip. But the trick is to shout "parcour!" whilst performing the act, lest anyone doubt your level of commitment.
This has caught on with a few individuals in the office who will triumphantly sound the cry while getting out of their seat, or tap the edge of an office wall with their pointed foot as they walk by.
We salute you our fallen urbanite, your antics were not in vain.
your fan,
Does reaching for your tea while frowning and wearing stubble count? I live in a "street" and have a hoodie so I'm a little bit urban.
This, on the other hand, is quite impressive (skip the first 30 seconds of titting about if you have a low BMX tolerance)...
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