Monday, 2 July 2007

I Make Myself Cringe

I just stood behind Stephen Merchant at Waitrose. He turned and looked at me and I wanted to say something like "I'm a big fan" without sounding like a tosser but couldn't and instead opted for the gurgling sound that left my throat which, if that wasn't bad enough, I followed with a limp "hey."

Naturally he said nothing in return and judging from the fact that I was buying Flora spread, ryvita and 2 kiwis, I really don't blame him.

1 comment:

The Paranoid Mod said...

You should have put on your best valley girl accent and told him that you, like, totally love the wanking over the ballpoint pen scene in Extras...

A friend has several times had a broccoli standoff with Nick Cave in Waitrose down here. Fyi.